Jet Ski Excursions
As part of the shore excursions of the cruise, you can include water activities like jet ski rides. You must reach the marina 20 minutes before the jet ski ride and wear a helmet and the appropriate equipment to stay safe while riding these powerful jet skis on the Gold Coast.

Thundaraft adventures
You can also go on a thundaraft that is a high capacity inflatable raft that will take you out to the sea where you can watch whales. If you want a quick trip, we can do a quick whale watching in under 30 minutes and get you back to the shore safely in time for your cruise.

Blue Water Sea Kayaking
There are also fun kayaking excursions you can embark on as a fun water activity in Australia. Kayaks are long boats where you have to use a double-bladed paddle to propel the boat forward. It is also a workout session as you will have to use your strength to move the boat forward.

Diving And Snorkelling
Go diving or snorkelling in the beautiful waters of the Gold Coast and watch the rich marine life of this region come to life. Our team of experts offer full gear, air and nitrox fills to ensure you have a safe diving experience.

Surfing along
Go surfing along the waves and currents of the beautiful Gold Coast in Queensland and experience a magical adventure. Our trained and experienced surfing instructors also prepare you to ride waves and learn about warning tide signs.

Swimming In The Sea
There are also plenty of fun swimming activities where you can take a nice dip in the sea while you take a fun shore excursion in Australia. Just make sure you wear the right equipment and do not swim towards high-tides and dangerous waves and get back to the shore safely.

Paddle boarding
You can get some good exercise by going paddle boarding on the lakes and rivers of Gold Coast in Queensland and enjoy a fun slow activity where you can revel in the beauty of nature. Since you will have to keep standing and paddling, you will also get a good workout in the process.

You can also take a guided sailing experience on a shore excursion where you have to use the power of the wind to propel your sails and move your boat forward. This is a challenging and exciting adventure where you get to learn more how to navigate the waters of Queensland in Australia.

If you want to spend a leisurely time just throwing your fish hook and catching a variety of fish, then you should take the fish activities as part of the cruise. These fishing techniques will help you put the right bait and hook your fish that could end up being a tasty dinner treat.